Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Gensis 1:1 Lesson


Old magazines Crayons
Scissors Construction Paper
Glue Stick Bible


1) Turn to Genesis 1:1- Read the verse aloud
2) Randomly throw out words like tree, rock, dirt, bird and ask who made it.
3) Have the children yell out their own suggestions.
4) Briefly discuss that while man may “put together” buildings, God made the components like metal and wood.
5) Turn to Psalm 139:14-16
6) Point out that God made us also. Each person was specially created by him before their birth.
7) Have children write their name and the statement “God made everything- even me!” on the construction paper.
8) Have them draw a small self-portrait on the page.
9) Have them cut out pictures of things God has made from the magazines.
10) Have them paste the pictures on the paper.

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