Sunday, October 19, 2008


I've been having an interesting phenomenon at Wednesday night kids church- all boys. Ten to be exact- Ten first through fifth grade boys. The dynamic of this kind of class is different than a mixed gender group. For example, they generally don’t want to do a craft or sit for that matter.

One night, I was teaching them about Philip ministering to the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26-39). As I read the story, I pointed out the Philip immediately obeyed God. That he did not argue or ask why he had to do the things God asked. I showed that through his obedience a man and possibly a nation were saved. Then I got to the part where Philip was translated. I'm talking to boys, mind you. I explain that Philip was there and then poof he was gone. The boys are enraptured. I tell them that Bible is way better than any sci-fi, because all of the cool stuff in it is true.

They began acting out the poofing, as it became known, and excitedly talking about what had happened to Philip. All of the lessons in the story were lost. All they wanted to know about was the poof. Inevitably, one boy asked if it would happen to him. All of the others chimed in wanting to know if this miracle could happen in their lives. I reminded them that Philip was only in the position to poof because he had obeyed God in the beginning. This fell on deaf ears.

We are no different than these young boys. We walk through our Christian lives hoping for one cool, goosbumpy feeling after another. Some even hop church to church seeking those experiences. Jesus said that a wicked and adulterous generation seeks a sign. When we are seeking the miraculous, we are seeking what God can do for us instead of seeking God himself.

I have seen many people's faith derailed when they sought God's hand instead of God. "I don't believe in God anymore because I was praying for my mom to be healed and He didn't do it." God said that He is jealous. He doesn't want our attention divided from Him, even if it's by His own works. God wants us to seek Him. When we do so as Philip did, the miracles naturally follow.

I tried and will continue to try to steer my class to seek God and I pray that you will also turn your thoughts to Him this week.

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