Thursday, December 9, 2010

They Don't Know My Name (devotion)

My oldest nephew was over at my parent's house the other night carrying the tree into the living room and getting boxes of decorations out of the attic. Thinking of what a model grandson he was being, made me think of what he was like as a little boy- A Handful!

Once, when he was young, he was out with my mom being a total pistol. She had already exhausted her usual arsenal, and resorted to shame. "Aren't you embarrassed to be acting this way in front of all these people?" she asked.

"Grandma,” he replied, “they don't know my name." Summing up his attitude in life, no one knows me; I can act however I want.

We Christians think the same way sometimes. “I can snap at the cashier, no one knows my name. I’ll cut that car off in traffic, no one knows my name.” The problem is that while no one may know your name, they often know that you are a Christian. Your cross earrings or necklace, your God's Gym T-shirt, or bumper sticker tells them.

2 Cor 5:20 says that we are Christ's ambassadors. Our behavior affects His good name. While everyone around you this Christmas is arguing over parking spaces and the last Elmo doll, please remember your actions either bring Him glory or bring Him shame. Be a worthy ambassador and lift up the name of Jesus in all you do this holiday season.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Agreed 100%. I always think God knows my name and He knows what I'm doing. Just like how my mother has eyes in the back of her head, I can't get away with anything.